Inaugurated Municipal Health Center “El Venerable” Popular Clinic Type 2, in Camaguán

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, inaugurated the Municipal Health Center “El Venerable” a Popular Clinic Type 2, in Camaguán, Guárico state.

Accompanied by the governor of the entity, José Vásquez, the head of state exalted that the work is for the people: “I tell Venezuela, 930 sanctions, attacks, attempts to kill me could not defeat us, nor will they be able to,” he emphasized.

Regarding this delivery, the President indicated that “José Gregorio Hernández arrives with all his power,” through a space that will bring together twenty-seven services, including the operating room area:

We learned to do a lot with little, because he who does it with love and honesty can do more than the entire evil empire,” said the Venezuelan head of state.

In context, the Minister of People’s Power for Health, Magaly Gutiérrez, presented the progress of the action of the Military Community Brigades of Education and Health (Bricomiles), maintaining that this health care center also includes areas of pediatrics, gynecology and obstetrics, immunization, surgical area, delivery room, among others. To this, President Maduro welcomed the “beautiful and functional space” for the people.