Constituent is the Great National Dialogue

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, said this Sunday that the National Constituent Assembly (ANC) is a great national dialogue immersed in a democratic, popular and free process convened to consolidate peace in the nation.

“The Constituent Assembly is not a dialogue between cupolas, it is a great national, citizen, social and cultural dialogue … it is a great democratic, popular and free process of building the answers that the country needs to build peace with equality, with people And sovereignty”, said the President in a telephone call with Venezolana de Televisión.

He emphasized that the main protagonist of this Constituent is the Venezuelan people, for this reason, he has called on every sector of the country to choose its constituents.

“I am calling for a true, profound, starring, participatory democracy, and to the direct democracy. I believe in a direct democracy that has the voice and the direct spirit of the workers, of the working class, the professional, the student, the youth, the community, the missionary. (…) To be them to choose their constituents”, he emphasized.

He added that the country needs to deepen the Revolution with proposals that come from the originary power of the people.