President Maduro reveals that John Bolton prevented a rapprochement with Trump: “We both wanted to see each other”

Donald Trump was caught in the middle. They told him Guaidó is a great leader and he can bring down Maduro, Guaidó is supported by 145% of the United Nations, 230% of the Venezuelan people and they made him fail with Venezuela,” said the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, during the seventh episode of the Maduro Podcast.

In this regard, the first combatant woman, Cilia Flores, added that after being deceived by his entourage, Trump was betrayed:

They deceived him, they made him fail, and at the first opportunity they turned around, left him alone, and left like traitors,” she emphasized.

The national president added that “then they went to support the alternative candidate to Donald Trump and they stole millions of dollars, Guaidó, López, Ledezma, Julio Borges, Machado, all of them experts in stealing, they repatriated Citgo, all of them”.

Likewise, the Head of State revealed that in 2018, during his appearance before the United Nations, a meeting had been scheduled between both leaders that was boycotted by representatives of the US government at that time:

Had Trump and I met, we would have understood each other, we would have even become friends. What happened is that John Bolton, the Chancellor there and the Secretary of State did everything possible to prevent it,” he pointed out.

He stressed that the elites of the West and the Venezuelan extreme right wing have not yet ceased in their plans to install a puppet President to their interests:

They wanted to impose a President on the country, who from the United States, Europe, from the imperial centers want to impose on us, not with Venezuela,” he stressed.