In compliance with the decisions made by the Venezuelan people on December 3, in the Consultative Referendum, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, announced during the Federal Government Council, a series of announcements to advance in the defense of Guayana Esequiba:
Firstly, the head of State created the High Commission for the Defense of Guayana Esequiba, which will be made up of the National Defense Council, the Federal Government Council, the National Security Council, and all political, religious and academic sectors, especially the country’s universities, and which will be headed by the Executive Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez.
He indicated that the creation of this commission aims to promote the strengthening of Venezuela’s defense teams, as well as the ties of dialogue, and in order to listen to all the voices of society.
He pointed out that each Council of State, each university, must designate a representative to immediately begin a dynamic that carries out the execution of the decision made by the people on December 3, in the Consultative Referendum.
Likewise, he announced the Organic Law for the Creation of Guayana Esequiba and the implementation of the five decisions made by the people of Venezuela in each of its parts, a debate that President Maduro requested to begin immediately for its subsequent approval:
“Deputies, it is in your hands, you will implement the consultation mechanisms with the People’s Power, the academies, the universities, with the religious, economic, political sectors, with everyone; You will carry out consultations so that it is a perfect, impeccable law and so that they receive the voice of the people in the five questions and turn it into Organic Law for all generations of Venezuelans,” he said.
Likewise, the Integral Defense Zone of Guayana Esequiba (ZODI) was created, which will be composed of 3 areas and 28 sectors of integral development, dependent militarily and administratively on the Guayana Integral Defense Region, and must be published in the Official Gazette on Wednesday the 6th. from December.
The headquarters of the new ZODI will have its administrative headquarters in Tumeremo on a provisional basis, and will have M/G Rodríguez Cabello as the Sole Authority, while the discussion and approval of the Organic Law for the Creation of Guayana Esequiba is being carried out.
Likewise, he instructed the creation of the PDVSA Essequibo and CGV Essequibo Divisions for the granting of operating licenses for the exploration and exploitation of oil, gas and mines throughout the territory of Guayana Esequiba.
President Nicolás Maduro appointed the Vice President of Planning, Ricardo Menéndez, the Vice President for Science, Technology, Education and Health, Gabriela Jiménez, the Minister of People’s Power for Education, Yelitze Santaella and the head of the Office for University Education, Sandra Oblitas, to immediately publish and bring the new complete map of Venezuela to all schools, high schools and universities in the country.
For this task, he instructed ministers Jorge Arreaza, Carlos Leal Tellería, M / G Tábata, the spokespersons of the Communal Councils and heads of the CLAP to distribute the new official map of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
As part of the announcements made by the President of the Republic, a human and social care plan was also activated, through which will be carried out a census by opening a Saime office in Tumeremo to begin the delivery of ID cards to the inhabitants of that territory.
Likewise, he proposed drafting a special law to prohibit the hiring of companies that operate or collaborate with the unilateral concessions given by Guyana in the sea to be delimited:
“I propose that in the special law all these companies be given 3 months to withdraw from those operations at the sea to be delimited; and we are open to talking; through the good ways, everything, through the bad ways, nothing. (We demand) respect for the law, to international law, respect for the laws,” he pointed out.
The head of state also proposed the creation of a special law to decree environmental protection areas in Guayana Esequiba, as well as new protected national parks that are centers of tourism, biodiversity and life.
Finally, he highlighted: “We are a people of peace, Latin Americanist, unionist, supportive, we have demonstrated it through the blood shed by our soldiers, by our Bolívar, by our Grand Marshal of Ayacucho, by our Rafael Urdaneta, by Francisco de Miranda; for the blood of our liberating armies that went to expel an empire and found a Republic.”