Begins pedagogical campaign on Guayana Esequiba towards DEC-03

More than 320 boys and girls from the capital city learned about the territory of Essequibo, during a science and technology day called “Science in our Essequibo”, which took place in the Plaza de Los Museos (Museums Square) in Caracas.

The scientific-technological journey was led by the Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, and the Sectoral Vice President for Science, Technology, Education and Health (CITES), Gabriela Jiménez Ramírez, who toured a circuit of ten stations.

The Executive Vice President highlighted that the Science Circuit provides the Semilleros de la Patria (Seedbeds of the Homeland) with learning about natural resources, minerals, flora, fauna, and about indigenous peoples.

In addition, she highlighted that these Semilleros have a great awareness about the belonging of Guayana Esequiba to Venezuela, as well as the love for our country:

The Semilleros de la Patria will leave their mark on history and the future; The Venezuelan people, in national unity, will be aware of their belonging,” highlighted the Executive Vice President.

Likewise, Jiménez highlighted that “the main objective of the science pedagogical campaign for the defense of Essequibo is the rescue of identity as Venezuelans.”