The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela called on Wednesday to reaffirm the principles of non-intervention in internal affairs of the countries, respect for cultural, religious and Human Rights, the right to peace and development.
This was expressed in the morning by Venezuelan Chancellor, Jorge Arreaza, during his speech at the Ministerial Meeting prior to the Summit of the Non-Aligned Countries Movement (NAM), which takes place in Baku, capital of Azerbaijan.
During his speech, the diplomat stressed that the international organization must maintain full observation of these values as an essential factor in guaranteeing peace and justice against the attempt by imperialism to impose hegemony.
In that order of ideas, the head of the office for Foreign Relations of the Bolivarian Government again denounced the aggression and coercive actions of the US Government against Venezuela, through an unconventional war experiment that includes theft and looting of property and assets of the nation:
«We demand the lifting of all unilateral coercive measures on our country», he said, while pointing out that the Venezuelan government reiterates its political and moral commitment to defend the United Nations Charter as well as the Bandung principles that found the NAM.
«We face multiple and complex threats to international peace and security, and as responsible members of the international community we must address them through multilateralism, within the framework of the United Nations Charter», he concluded.