Venezuela shows advances in the protection of natural heritage at Unesco

With the aim of publicizing the management and progress of the Bolivarian Revolution in the protection of the natural heritage of humanity in the country, the Minister of People’s Power for Ecosocialism, Josué Lorca, began a work agenda at the headquarters of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco).

The information was released through his account on the Instagram social network, @josuelorca by Minister Lorca who, from Paris, France, reported that the day began with a meeting with the head of the Unit for Latin America and the Caribbean of the Unesco World Heritage Center, Mauro Rossi, in order to create a work route to continue promoting the development of these sites of great importance for humanity.

Likewise, in another publication he reported that he met with the ambassador of the Permanent Delegation of the Russian Federation to Unesco, Rinat Alyautdino, with whom he discussed issues related to world heritage and we exchanged views on how to implement actions to strengthen management of our protected areas.

Likewise, he mentioned he invited the Permanent Delegation of Saudi Arabia to Unesco to visit the Canaima National Park: «We hope to have the high authorities of this multilateral space, so that they know its geological importance, its attractions, the indigenous peoples that live there and how Venezuela guarantees the management and conservation of the exceptional universal value of this heritage”.

Minister Lorca, in another publication, wrote that together with the Chancellory and the Institute of Cultural Heritage, he met with the ambassador of the Permanent Delegation of Mexico, Juan José Bremer, in order to share the importance and bulwark of heritage and the commitment to preservation, through the management of the sites and the conservation policies promoted by the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.

Likewise, he met with the ambassador of the Permanent Delegation of India, Vishal V. Sharma, with whom he shared the advances in the management of World Heritage Sites, «and the commitment to their preservation for future generations”.

The minister reported that he received a book, a translation in Spanish of the Baghavad Gita, as a gift: «A sacred Hindu text that talks about the duty to do the right thing without expecting anything in return, and to always fight, as the commitment we have and owe to the Pachamama«.

Lorca outlined: «We remain committed to preserving the spaces that have been the cradle of civilizations and historical sites of importance to humanity, guaranteeing the sovereignty of the peoples and the good living of present and future generations.»