President Maduro: Venezuela’s economic miracle has to begin in the countryside

«The economic miracle of Venezuela has to begin with the field, with the land, with the hands of those who truly produce,» said the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro during a new productive economy journey held this Thursday from the Sol del Peru hall in Miraflores Palace, in which he highlighted the work carried out by the Great Mission Agrovenezuela.

In his words, the national president stressed that “only we have the 2025 Homeland Plan, the Simón Bolívar National Project, to build productive socialism. No sector of the opposition has a country plan, what they have are group interests”.

He recommended to the groups of peasants, producers, families «to study, internalize and assume the 9 vertices of the Great Mission Agrovenezuela, the strategic lines”.

In this sense, he detailed the vertices of the Great Mission Agrovenezuela as fundamental axes of this process, namely:

1.- The land, its property and productive spaces.

2.- Good agricultural practices, mechanization and its elements.

3.- Biological and synthetic inputs.

4.- Sovereign seeds and genetics.

5.- Grassroots organization of the People’s Power.

6.- AgroPetro financing circuit.

7.- Production, processing, distribution and supply.

8.- Research, development and innovation.

9.- Defense, security and integral peace.

He pointed out that the Venezuelan State has invested in agriculture and production, with the purpose of promoting and consolidating the economy in the country.

Likewise, he invited the producers to promote seed production, while exhorting the People’s Power to maintain the spirit, the force in an “indestructible” way, in order to consolidate the productive economy in the communities.

By applying these strategic lines, the producer asserts himself. These lines are the true path of Chávez, of the prosperous and growing Homeland of the 21st century, the path of the productive Homeland of the countryside”, concluded the President.