Declared a great journey of battle against corruption

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, assured this Monday that he declared a great journey to fight against corruption and bureaucracy, in his opinion all citizens must work together to put an end to those scourges:

«We have to fight against those who do nothing for the welfare of the country, there may be someone who thinks he is doing very well and it turns out not, we will then awaken the conscience of Venezuela, improve in all spaces».

«We have to guarantee the highest level of efficiency in everything we do, with love and affection, without sparing efforts to serve our country and be a better country», said the Head of State, during his participation in the events organized by the celebration of Police Day, specifically in the graduation of 3,610 new professionals from the National Experimental Safety University (UNES), an activity carried out in Caracas.

For his part, Néstor Reverol, Minister for Interior, Justice and Peace, said that the Peace Quadrants are a backbone of the National Police corps, which allows to guarantee security for the people.