Maduro calls on right wing to dialogue and detach from violence

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, called on Sunday all the democratic currents of the opposition to detach themselves from the violent groups that intend to establish Nazi fascism in Venezuela, and to set up a dialogue table where violent acts are repudiated and return to peace.

«We must realize that a fascist current has arrived that through hatred generates violence, destruction and self-destruction, I want the union of all Venezuela and I ask and demand the democratic currents of the opposition to condemn all these acts of violence, To detach themselves from the events of violence and for us to set up a table of dialogue for peace, for tolerance, for the love of the country», he said during his program «Los Domingos con Maduro» (Sundays with Maduro) in its issue number 87.

In this regard, he asked where are the pronouncements of the Presidents of the United States, Donald Trump, and of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, as well as that of the Organization of American States (OAS), who say to be concerned about the situation of the country, but they do not pronounce themselves in rejection to the violent acts.

In a joint radio and television broadcast, he showed videos in which is evidenced the escalation of the extreme right wing violence ranging from burning and destroying public works up to killing Venezuelans.

In that sense, he called on the Public Powers and other institutions of the nation to pronounce and condemn the intolerance, hatred and crimes committed by the fascists.

«That is not the way, therefore I called, with the faculties that I have as Head of State, for the Constituent, for the Original Power (…). That is why Venezuela will be electing very soon, with a direct, secret and universal vote, the constituents in order to build peace», he emphasized.