Chancellor Jorge Arreaza urges Iván Duque to stop lying about alleged «cartel of the suns»

The Chancellor of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Jorge Arreaza, urged Iván Duque to stop lying about the alleged «cartel of the suns» and recommended for someone to do him the favor of reading a rigorous investigation in which it is shown that the U.S. and the Government in Nariño supported the lie based on an unprecedented media plot.

Through a message published on his account on the Twitter social network, the Chancellor stated that “It is known that Iván Duque is not used to reading, but he is used to lying. Perhaps someone can read you this rigorous work by a Spanish researcher, which shows that the alleged «cartel of the suns» is nothing more than a media creation to attack Venezuela. Rigor!»

In this sense, he attached a link to the work carried out by the Spanish journalist and analyst, Fernando Casado, entitled «The myth of the Cartel of the Suns», where he denies the existence of this organization and shows sufficient evidence to consider it a fictitious construction of the media that only seeks to discredit the legitimate authorities of the Bolivarian Government of Venezuela and justify a foreign intervention.

Jorge Arreaza M


It is known that @IvanDuque is not used to reading, but he is used to lying. Perhaps someone can read this rigorous work by a Spanish researcher, which shows that the alleged «cartel of the suns» is nothing more than a media creation to attack Venezuela. Rigor!”