To protect the rights of the people against the unconventional warfare perpetrated by right-wing sectors, the National Executive has extended for 60 days the Economic Emergency Decree throughout the entire country.
Thus is stipulated in the Presidential Decree number 2,270, which was published in the Extraordinary Gazette No. 6,219, dated March 11, which circulated on Monday.
Through the economic emergency promulgated on January 14 by the President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, have been developing a series of actions that have as a goal to overcome the situation that is facing the nation as a result of the downfall of more than 70% that are experiencing oil prices, and the constant onslaught by the right wing, which includes the attack on the currency and speculation, hoarding, shortages and smuggling of essential items.
This legal instrument provides that the Executive, within the powers granted to it by the Constitution, may adopt appropriate measures that allow to the people the full enjoyment of their rights and the free access to basic goods and services and, likewise, to mitigate the effects of the induced inflation, of speculation, of the fictitious value of the currency, the sabotage to systems of distribution of goods and services.
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