«The Great Mission Housing Venezuela (GMVV) articulates the construction of the city and the productive economic focus of our country», as stated by the Vice President and Minister for Planning, Ricardo Menéndez, within the framework of his participation in the joint work session with the Minister of People’s Power for Habitat and Housing, Ildemaro Villarroel; called “Proposal of Strategic Planning for Local Development”, this Tuesday, carried out at the facilities of the Ministry of Peopole’s Power for Planning, in Caracas.
Minister Menéndez also stressed that some fundamental aspects for the development of the Homeland Plan 2025 are «the parameters of urban organization of the Venezuelan territory, linked to the productive economic specializations of our country.»
Likewise, he assured that, given the economic blockade, the country demands the growth, development and strengthening of internal production and based on this, the engines of the Productive Economic Agenda will allow us to face with optimism and hope what 2021 will be.
For his part, the Minister of People’s Power for Habitat and Housing, Ildemaro Villarroel, highlighted that during this working day some guidelines were generated to “strengthen planning and economic development associated with the new normal that our President Nicolás Maduro has proposed, and that allows us to face the difficulties of 2021”.
Villarroel stressed: «We are promoting measures that consolidate the construction of houses and the fulfillment of the goal established in the Homeland Plan 2025″.
Finally, the Minister of People’s Power for Habitat and Housing reported that these guidelines will be raised before the Higher Body for Housing, a weekly meeting that takes place every Wednesday in this ministry.