President Maduro convenes February 4, 2021 to approve the proposal of the Historical Bloc to constitute Popular Government System

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro Moros, asked the Social and Political Movements that participated in the Congress of the Historical Bloc held in Caracas, to develop the proposals discussed in the construction of a Popular Power System that would become a model of government:

I propose to give ourselves some more time, to continue working in November, December and January and reconvene for a special plenary session of the Popular Government System, with the proposals and documents of the GPPSB, for February 4, 2021; when we will be commemorating the historic awakening of the Bolivarian Revolution”.

The Head of State recalled that the National Executive issued a set of laws, in 2014, to establish popular governments by sectors, for which he asked the authorities and movements of the GPP to resume those laws, to re-impel them with the new force that exists today in the Communes and the People’s Power: “It is the first thing I ask of you”.

“Chavismo, especially Chávez, was an enemy of the government of cupolas, of cupolas and elite parties, and formed us like this: the fight against the cupolas and the economic and oligarchic agendas, and of new elites that seek to impose or sometimes compose themselves”, asserted the National President.