Congress of Communes 2.0 will run until January 23, 2021

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, announced on Tuesday that the Congress of Communes 2.0 -which this year is being held online due to the situation of pandemic- will be extended until January 23, 2021, in order to collect all the proposals made by the Communes and Communal Councils.

«I began to listen to the conclusions of the Congress of Communes 2.0 and I have made a decision that we are going to extend this Congress until next January 23, 2021, so that they continue to be deployed throughout all the Communes and all the Communal Councils, and you incorporate millions of opinions of militant men and women», highlighted the head of state.

During the journey of celebration of the 8th Anniversary of the Rudder Hit, the National Dignitary explained that it is essential to «go for more» and knock on the doors of each and every one of the communers of the country.

«To all the Communes and Communal Councils, let everyone feel included, that they feel they participate in the 2.0 Congress of the Communes of Venezuela”, he said.

President Maduro indicated that in this activity, Communer men and women of the country were present at Miraflores Palace, to debate and discuss along with him and the Congress that was present by videoconference the proposals collected so far by the Venezuelan People’s Power.