The vice president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Delcy Rodriguez, informed that this Wednesday the nation counts 481 cases by community transmission, and 133 imported cases in the last 24 hours, for a total of 614 Coronavirus contagions.
«Of these, the first states with incidence of cases are Táchira, with 163 infections, Yaracuy with 92, Lara with 57 cases, the Capital District with 53 cases and Miranda, with 39 cases.
She noted that on this occasion the capital region has significantly reduced the incidence of infections:
«And not only in the capital region, but in the whole national territory, of the imported cases, who are 133, 120 are coming from Colombia, 8 came from Peru and 5 from Ecuador”, she indicated during a work journey led by President Nicolas Maduro.
Likewise, the Vice President affirmed that the discipline of the Venezuelan people has been fundamental to flatten the infection curve, «unlike countries that are currently suffering from outbreaks».
She informed that the recovery rate in Venezuela reached 91% this Wednesday.
«Unfortunately, besides announcing that we have 4 deceases in the country, the first one in the Capital District, another one in Tachira state, and two in Aragua state«, the balance concluded.