Venezuela confirms 13 new Covid-19 cases and 126 recovered

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, confirmed this Thursday 13 new cases due to the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) which brings the number of infected to 311, while the number of recovered amounts to 126.

During the act of Strengthening the National Public Health System for the Attention of Covid-19, the Venezuelan head of state indicated that the 13 (new) cases are located in Nueva Esparta state.

He explained that with this figure, Nueva Esparta becomes the territorial entity with the highest number of positive cases from the virus, followed by Miranda state with 88, the Capital District with 31 and Aragua state with 29.

He celebrated that Venezuela is facing the situation of the pandemic “with a great conscience, with great patience, with great social, family, and community organization”. In this sense, he indicated that this has allowed the country to achieve the containment of the coronavirus in at least 90 percent.