With the activation of the sale and purchase of the Venezuelan cryptocurrency, the Petro, Venezuela begins to break with its own tools, the blockade and economic-financial siege imposed by imperialism against the country, said Tuesday the Chancellor of the Republic, Jorge Arreaza.
«To release the straitjacket of sanctions and the financial and commercial blockade against Venezuela has been born the Petro. And as President Maduro said, this is the time for economic recovery and we will do it with our tools», he said from the headquarters of the Superintendence of Cryptocurrencies (Sunacrip).
In a broadcast by VTV, he said that Venezuela enters a new economic stage that will allow the exchange of the Petro -a currency based on the country’s natural resources such as oil, gold, among others-, with other crypto-assets, and strengthen the Economic Recovery Program that drives the Executive.
He stressed that different governments of the world and international organizations have expressed their desire to know more details about the operation of the Venezuelan crypto-assets to also buy and invest in the future.
He added that Petro will continue to build a multi-polar world in the economic, financial and commercial, not to depend on the dollar as a currency for transactions.
For his part, the Minister for Youth and Sports, Pedro Infante, also appreciated the initiative and said that this new development will allow Venezuelan youth «to leverage all this new financial dynamics in the country» to «defeat all that financial blockade imposed by the U.S».
He stressed that the Ministry for Education, Science and Technology, Youth and Sports and Chamba Juvenil (Youth job) have been working in the «chamba digital» (digital job) program to multiply knowledge about Petro and explain how it will work.
Likewise, the president of the Sunacrip, José Luis Ramírez, said that the implementation of this cryptocurrency is a historic moment for the country because it will allow progress towards the independence of the international financial system.