Alert on plan against Venezuela by Juan Manuel Santos

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, denounced that the Government of Colombia, led by outgoing president Juan Manuel Santos, is preparing a series of incidents to provoke an armed conflict between the two countries.

From the Military Academy, in the framework of a meeting with the promotion of militaries serving 10, 20 and 30 years of service, the Head of State ruled that: “I want to be very serious in what I am going to say, you know that every time I make these alerts and these announcements is because I have the evidences at hand”.

He stressed that he trusts that the Armed Forces of Colombia and the police forces will not lend themselves “to the drudgery, to the traps of an outgoing president, such as Juan Manuel Santos” who wants to incubate a military conflict to do a favor to the US imperialism’s. against the independent and sovereign Bolivarian Republican of Venezuela (…) and I tell the Venezuelan military to raise their guard, remain alert throughout the entire Colombo-Venezuelan border”, he said.