Schemel: The role of the State and private enterprise has been revalued

“The Chavistas understood that the State cannot do it on itw own, and the opponents understood that private enterprise cannot do it on its own either”. Oscar Schemel, president of the Hinterlaces polling firm, said that the role of the State and private enterprise has been revalued as a consequence of the economic war:

“For the majority of Venezuelans, the State has to establish the rules and define the policy, but in addition the people understands that in order to get out of the economic crisis, shortages and inflation, the participation of the private sector is important”.

The analyst, during the “Dando y Dando-Radio” (Taking and Giving-Radio) program, which broadcast by the RNV Informative channel, pointed out that more than 80% of Venezuelans agree with the State’s promotion of national and international private investment.

Based on this assessment, Schemel stressed that the majority of Venezuelans agree with a “mixed model, in which the different forms of property are integrated and shared: state, social, communal and private property.”