Blocked 245 bank accounts in Operation Paper Hands

The Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Tareck El Aissami, offered this Wednesday a report on Operation Paper Hands, stressing that a second stage has begun with the request to capture 149 people linked to organized crime and the blocking of 245 banking accounts.

“We announce that we are initiating a new stage of Operation Paper Hands, we have released 149 new arrest and arrest warrants against people identified with organized crime networks, and 28 people have been captured and placed in the Venezuelan justice order. 121 people are been searched for”, he explained.

The Vice President also announced that they have been blocked and frozen the money from 245 bank accounts, of which 206 are from Banesco Banco Universal.

El Aissami indicated that the Superintendency of Banking Sector Institutions (Sudeban), made in recent days a supervision to the private banking entity, in which they could determine that the cards of the clients are outdated, the bank does not check the address of the customers what facilitates the operation of briefcase companies, the clients whose movements are greater than their financial profile are not reported to the Sudeban, among other serious faults.

To date, 175 people have been arrested, following the work of intelligences of the various Venezuelan State agencies.

“We have dealt a severe blow against networks that were linked to the extraction of paper money, 125 raids, 514 vehicles, 48 motorcycles, 1,333 blocked accounts, 1,563 people investigated and 828 private companies”, said El Aissami.

He also added that they have dismantled ghost companies that are facades of criminal chains, linked to the dollar: “All these bands have their epicenter in Cúcuta-Colombia”.