International experts confirm success of municipal elections in Venezuela

“Venezuela has the most modern and most reliable system of all the electoral systems of Latin America, we give faith that the system is efficient and effective”.

This was stated on Monday at a press conference, the president of the Council of Electoral Experts of Latin America (CEELA), Nicanor Moscoso, during a press conference held from the headquarters of the National Electoral Council (CNE) to raise awareness of the mission report of support around the municipal elections held this Sunday, December 10.

In his presentation, Moscoso explained that the process was developed in accordance with international standards and Venezuelan laws, in accordance with the protocols established by the CNE.

In the opinion of the representative of Ceela, the Venezuelan electoral system is an international reference and this was demonstrated once again with the participation of 9.139.564 people, who went to the polls to exercise their right to suffrage

“We would like that in many countries could be established an electoral system such as the Venezuelan, but it can only be achieved through the political decision of its leaders, who sometimes do not want to institutionalize it”.

These elections were witnessed by an international accompaniment mission of 50 people, composed of CEELA members, as well as academics, communicators, mayors of other nations and people linked to the electoral issue. In addition, there was the presence of national observers.