Venezuelan opposition has systematically sickened the population

The President of the Commission for the Truth, Delcy Rodriguez, said that the Venezuelan opposition has systematically sickened the population.

During an activity of the Truth Commission, held in Lara state, she explained that a sample of this are the “guarimbas” (riots), which in the state reported a negative balance of four burned people.

Rodriguez, during her speech, said that from abroad, “Is handled a plan of hatred against Venezuela with the sole objective to attack the Government of President Nicolás Maduro and to promote a civil war … Venezuela is today a victim of the hatred of some aberrant and intolerant Governments, just as is the Venezuelan right wing … It is a plan that openly calls for the assassination of the President of the Republic”, she said.

She stressed out that the Venezuelan people will respond with the sacred original constituent power, “which hurts them, what the world’s right wing does not understand is that in Venezuela the most beautiful power is going on, it is the power of the people, it is the capacity of the people to solve their problems in the most beautiful way as the constituent power”.

Rodríguez said that all cases of hatred will be addressed, that all cases will be reviewed in the Commission on Truth, Justice and Peace.

“There can be no love, without forgiveness, not decreed nor automatic, there can be no forgiveness without justice with firmness, there can be no forgiveness without knowing who are responsible, without knowing the truth of what happened, thus the importance of the decisions taken by the National Constituent Assembly”, she said.

Finally, she reported that from the ANC is debating on the regulation of hatred messages that are promoted through mass communication companies and social networks.