National Drill of 1×10: A call for unity and youth participation

In a call to youth and new voters, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, invited the population to participate in the national drill of the 1×10 system, prior to the elections on July 28. This exercise, scheduled for June 9, seeks to prepare the electoral machinery and ensure citizen participation in the democratic process.

The national leader emphasized the importance of including young people who have not previously exercised their right to vote, as well as those voters who, in the past, identified with the opposition. In this sense, the 1×10 strategy focuses on the creation of electoral support networks, where each participant undertakes to guarantee the attendance of 10 voters in the electoral process.

In this context, the head of state made a special call for national reconciliation, and urged opponents not to be influenced by hatred and sectarianism. Likewise, he stressed the need to overcome divisions and work together for the future of the country, with the aim of strengthening Venezuela with the union and cooperation of all its citizens.

This drill represents an opportunity for Venezuelans to become familiar with the electoral system and reinforce the organizational structure necessary for successful elections. Therefore, with this exercise the Government seeks to promote a greater political awareness and a deeper commitment to the future of the nation.