Escarrá: Military High Command is ready to support the Bolivarian Government

The Venezuelan constitutional lawyer, Hermann Escarrá said on Monday that there is no possibility for that Venezuela is given a Coup d’Etat because there is full institutionality.
He confirmed that the Military High Command is ready to support the process undertaken by the Bolivarian Government in order to «finally come out of this social, economic and political situation».
In the «Siete Preguntas» (Seven Questions) program, hosted by journalist Ernesto Villegas and broadcast by Telesur, Escarrá said that the legal fact that the National Assembly (AN), has requested the resignation of President Nicolas Maduro, who was elected by the people’s democratic will and that him, in turn, is requesting a constitutional amendment to reduce the period of the Parliament to six months, is legally protected.
«Since the new AN was installed, what has been said is that we have to get rid of a President elected by a democratic will. Among the possibilities they reinforced the idea of an amendment to go to an electoral process», said Escarrá.
He reiterated that the President can address the National Electoral Council (CNE), with an amendment on which is requested to reduce the period of the current parliament with a circumstantial opposition majority and thus initiate a new election process.
In relation to the Law of Criminal Amnesia, Escarrá said that you can not act with a law project in which is violated article 59 of the Constitution, because sectors of the right-wing committed crimes against humanity in the violent protests of 2014, in addition, there was incitement to a military rebellion.