Victims of violence gave a historical lesson in complying with TSJ decision

Delcy Rodriguez, President of the Commission for Justice, Truth, Reparations of Victims and Peace, highlighted this Saturday that members of the’ committee of Victims of the “Guarimbas” (Riots) have given a historic lesson in complying with the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), which granted a substitute measure of house for imprisonment to Leopoldo López, who is serving a sentence of almost 14 years for crimes of public instigation, property damage, arson and conspiracy committed during the violent plan called “La Salida” (The Exit).

“We want to salute the historical lesson given today by the victims of violence for political ends. We want to salute that you, even overcoming your particular pain, stepped forward and told the country: ‘We could not agree or share in accordance with this decision, which, as you well know, was also known by the people of Venezuela and the international community, But if this opens the door to peace and dialogue in Venezuela, we welcome it”, said Rodriguez in remarks broadcast by VTV.

In that sense, she pointed out that the National Constituent Assembly has as one of its objectives the transformation of the justice system to stop impunity and preserve peace.

“The ANC will make it possible to correct and reinforce the rule of law, to attend to and modify the penal system, to deal with everything related to due process, and the axis of the whole criminal system focused on the victims”, she said.

Finally, she thanked the Head of State for the proposal to preside over the Commission for Truth in the Constituent process, after electing representatives of this body on July 30.