Jorge Rodríguez: inefficiency within the oil industry must end

The head of the “Darío Vivas” National Campaign Command, Jorge Rodríguez, announced this Thursday that for the legislative program that will begin in January 2021, the Great Patriotic Pole “Simón Bolívar” will promote an Entrepreneurship Law that accompanies the Anti-Blockade Law, in order to strengthen investment so that small and medium entrepreneurs can get involved.

During his participation in the “A Tiempo” program of a private television station, Rodríguez indicated that they will also promote the “Digital Economy Law, as well as instruments that deeply protect Venezuelan women.”

In this sense, he considered it essential to imagine the Venezuela we want: “If there is a position by part of any political sector within the Assembly to question a minister for some error that he is committing, then, we are going to lend our votes so that it is so, may the Assembly recovers its function of comptroller.”

In the economic sphere, he said that Venezuela has to abandon its port economy and start producing the food it consumes and the medicines it needs:

In the case of gasoline there is a real fact. To Venezuela were entering 54 billion dollars a year from oil income, up to date less than 500 million dollars have been received in 2020, it is an almost miraculous event because the few resources have been made available for the great majority” , he emphasized.

He revealed that Venezuela has repaired its refineries with great difficulty and secretly bought supplies because the Trump administration prohibited the purchase of necessary spare parts: “As of today we can say that there is a total recovery of at least the gasoline refining necessary for the consumption of the entire population.”

“We are not only facing a blockade, there is also inefficiency within the oil industries that has to end so that the objective can be met,” he said.

In his opinion: “The sanctions are not applied to pressure, they are being applied for a change and to overthrow the Constitutional Government of President Nicolás Maduro,” he denounced while pointing out that have already started the mechanisms to circumvent the blockades that will give results in the first months of 2021.

Rodríguez asserted that, for this reason, the revolutionary forces are deployed in the streets, house by house, neighborhood by neighborhood, where they have found a growing enthusiasm of the people of Venezuela towards these elections:

“There is a tremendous willingness on the part of Venezuelans to undertake a real change within Parliament,” he emphasized.

He indicated that the Venezuelan is meeting in this opportunity with very novel and interesting elements that increase democratic participation, since on this occasion 277 deputies will be elected instead of the 157 as was done previously, in addition, lists will be elected with a greater representativeness, and there is a national list and that gives a greater possibility for the representation in the National Assembly to be more varied.

We are heading towards an exemplary scenario and it will also be an exemplary message of that Venezuelans deserve to live in peace, build prosperity and elect our leaders, we do not get involved in the elections of any country, for example, at this point it is not well known who is the president of the United States and almost 19 days have passed since the elections and we do not get involved in that, because it is not a problem of Venezuela, we ask the same for our country, ” he said.

For the also candidate by list vote, the election called for December 6, will stop the aggression: “It will be a message like the one sent by the Bolivian people in the presidential elections after a coup d’état.”

In this sense, he specified that the AN must be formed in the true epicenter of a broad political, cultural, social and economic dialogue, with all sectors, regardless of their political ideology, to reach agreements, for negotiations, and in any case to confront ideas.

We have participated in many initiatives that have been successful, with appreciable results, violence did not overflow in 2016 because we were in a secret dialogue with the opposition, the serious situation we had in 2017 did not overflow because we installed the National Constituent Assembly, we have made a lot of progress in the Dominican Republic, unfortunately, due to Trump’s pressure, this agreement was not achieved, but all the electoral guarantees that had been presented in that country and that were later endorsed in the Barbados dialogue are those that are being applied with the election of DEC-6”, he detailed.

He also recalled that in the month of March, when the pandemic began, a series of meetings were held to jointly lend shoulders against the terrible thing that was happening in humanity and most of the opposition sectors agreed to hold a ceasefire and help the population in the face of what we were experiencing due to COVID-19, except for Juan Guaidó, who unfortunately applied a veto mechanism to that agreement, and it could not be achieved what could have been an example for the Venezuelans.

For 5 years, these right-wing gentlemen destroyed the institution of the National Assembly (AN), they did not approve a single law in favor of the people, they dedicated themselves to seeking the violent overthrow of the Constitutional Government, promoting sanctions and violence such as burning people alive due to their skin color, there are more than 450 sanctions and they are not against Chavista leaders, they affect an entire country,” he said.

He added that they have done a lot of damage to the country, “they are the ones who ask and are here lobbying for sanctions against employers, professionals, workers, community councils, women, they do not suffer those sanctions because those who promote them do not live here in Venezuela and they are also always free from those sanctions, that has generated the willingness of the vast majority of the people of Venezuela to participate in the electoral event,” he explained to this scenario promoted by the leadership of the AN in the hands of the extreme right wing.

“I believe that this election will bring peace, the most important message we will send to the world is that the sanctions are illegal and I am sure that it will be heard,” added the head of the “Darío Vivas” National Campaign Command.