ANC must prohibit and give constitutional rank to hate crimes and offenses

The Ombudsman, Tarek William Saab, called on the new National Constituent Assembly, which will be installed after the elections, to criminalize and proscribe hate crimes and offenses, this as violent groups of the Venezuelan ultra-right wing stabbed and burned young Orlando Figuera, due to his ideological condition, when considering that he was a chavista.

During his participation in the «Con Amorin» (With Amorin) program, broadcast by Venezolana de Televisión (VTV), the Ombudsman said: «A National Constituent Assembly is going to be installed and I want to request that the hate crimes and offenses are included and prohibited, that these have a Constitutional rank. We are going to be founders of this, because it does not exist in any Constitution. These crimes must be typified so that they can be enforced by law».

Saab repudiated that sectors of the right wing, as well as communication media, try to justify the atrocious act, by assuring that Figuera was a delinquent.

«The media, whatever it is, do not have any immunity to excuse hate crimes. Please stop this», said Saab, who qualified the case of Orlando Figuera: «the symbol of hate crimes in Venezuela».

In his opinion: «This crime shocked the world … The ANC that will be installed will have the opportunity to advance in this and to place hate crimes to be sanctioned, even as a violation of Human Rights, because there is already a global statement about this».