Electoral Bases for ANC responds to the population average in municipalities

The national average of 1 representative per 83,000 voters before the National Constituent Assembly (ANC), set in the bases for the election of the members of this body, responds to the population average of the 335 municipalities of the country, as explained on Tuesday the rector of the National Electoral Council (CNE), Socorro Hernández.

“The representation or what we say that constituent is worth in the National Constituent Assembly corresponds to the 83,000 voters who are in the committees and corresponds exactly to the population average of the municipalities, then taken to the average of the whole country”, she said in the “Vladimir a la 1” (Vladimir at 1) program, broadcast by Globovision.

In that space, she indicated that the election of 364 constituents by the territorial way – one by municipality, two by state capitals and seven by Capital District – would allow to have the vision of the whole national territory.

“That is an important element, that all our municipalities, that the whole population can be represented”, said Hernandez, adding that the CNE board evaluates the bases proposed by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, to make any necessary technical adjustments.

In addition to the territorial constituents, will be selected 181 representatives; by the indigenous sectors (8), students (24), peasants and fishermen (8), businessmen (5), persons with disabilities (5), pensioners Communal (24) and workers (79).