Tania Díaz will preside ANC Commission for debate and approval of Homeland Plan

The first vice president of the National Constituent Assembly, Tania Diaz, will preside over the Constitutional Commission of the plenipotentiary body in charge to debate and approve the “Plan de la Patria” (Homeland Plan) for 2019-2025, so that this program can be converted into a Constitutional Law:
“It is necessary to designate a Constitutional Commission for the evaluation, deployment and consultation of the Homeland Plan for its approval as a Constitutional Law by the National Constituent Assembly”, said on Tuesday the president of the plenipotentiary body, Diosdado Cabello, during his intervention in the session that took place in the Federal Legislative Palace in downtown Caracas.
In statements broadcast by ANTV, Cabello said that this mixed commission will be integrated, in addition to Diaz, by the president of all the Commissions of the ANC, among which stand out Hernán Escarrá, president of the Constitutional Commission, Darío Vívas of the Citizen Commission, Andrés Eloy Méndez from the Economic Commission, among other members.
The Homeland Plan 2019-2025, debated by the popular forces, have as main objectives to promote the social life of the country, to develop the productive forces of the nation that allow to build the empowered Venezuela of the 21st century.
It also includes the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, discussed at the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) in 2015.