TSJ declares constitutional the decree of economic emergency issued by the Executive branch

The Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) declared as constitutional Decree No. 2,849 issued May 13, 2017, by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, where is declared the State of Emergency and Economic Emergency throughout the national territory.

In sentence No. 364, dated May 24, 2017, the highest court declared the constitutionality of said decree «given the extraordinary social, economic and political circumstances that affect the constitutional order, social peace, security of the nation, public institutions and citizens of the Republic», says the TSJ press release.

With this decree the executive «Can assure the population the full enjoyment of their rights, preserve internal order, timely access to goods, services, food, medicines and other essential products for life».

The same, can be extended for 60 days and can not be debatable or revoked by the current National Assembly in contempt.