President Nicolas Maduro informed on Wednesday that was created a Comprehensive Anti-Imperialist Plan to configure an axis of international forces that will promote the truth of Venezuela to the world, against the interventionist attempts by the U.S. Government.
The Head of State explained that the plan was presented by the Council of Vice Ministers of Government, Chancellor Delcy Rodríguez and the political high command, «To bring the denounce with the support of the Governments and peoples of the world, for this decree to be repealed and definitely taken out of the history of the threats of the US empire against Venezuela. »
In a national joint radio and television broadcast he announced to the country that will also make a National Plan that will be presented in schools, high schools, colleges, universities and factories, which «Will start next March 12, heading to the commemoration of the April 13 and 14, a day of popular resurrection» to commemorate 14 years of the national awakening in defense of Commander Hugo Chavez, after the 2002 coup d’etat.
From the National Pantheon in Caracas, where the people in civic-military union, raised its voice against the interventionist decree by the US Government, the National President highlighted that «It is necessary to raise awareness, to raise the anti-imperialist spirit of the people» against those who respond to imperial interests and seek to destroy the progressive governments and the integration in Latin America and the Caribbean.
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