In Revolution! Venezuelan penitentiary service dignifies those deprived of liberty

The Fénix penitentiary community, located in Lara state, is one of the miracles of the Bolivarian Revolution, said Iris Varela, Minister of Penitentiary Services.

“In the name of the entire penitentiary population, we want to thank you for coming and making your first program for this 2017 from this Fenix Penitentiary community, where is demonstrated the impeccable of a miracle of the Bolivarian Revolution, meeting the legacy of Commander Chavez” .

Thus said Varela during the weekly program “Con el Mazo Dando” (Hitting with the Hammer), broadcast from the Uribana prison, in Lara state.

“Our strategic plan contains the guidelines of what President Chávez dreamed of in order to dignify the Penitentiary service and thus give an opportunity to thousands of men and women who are in our country’s jails and who were forgotten”, expressed the minister.

Varela added that these men and women were excluded during the Fourth Republic. “They considered the prisoners as scum, they did not considered them any rights nor opportunities. We, on the other hand, are humanists, we consider that each of these people is a possibility in life and that they deserve an opportunity. “