"No economic war will stop our social plans"
The President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, reflected during the broadcast of his program «Contacto con Maduro» (Contact with Maduro), on the…
LEER MÁSThe President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, reflected during the broadcast of his program «Contacto con Maduro» (Contact with Maduro), on the…
LEER MÁSHector Rodriguez, deputy to the National Assembly by the Homeland Block, held a meeting on Monday with social movements to establish the…
LEER MÁSFrom the Simón Bolivar Hall at Miraflores Palace, the President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, directed on Tuesday a meeting with the…
LEER MÁS«En el plan integral del Plan de la Patria Comunal de este cuatrimestre tendremos un nuevo método de gestión integral y de…
LEER MÁSThanks to the policies that has implemented the Bolivarian Revolution, extreme poverty in Venezuela continues to decline and during the first half…
LEER MÁSMore than 80% of Venezuelan families are protected by the recent economic measures that has driven the Bolivarian Revolution to protect the…
LEER MÁSThe President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, said on Thursday that, despite the current economic situation and the low oil prices, social…
LEER MÁSA pesar de las restricciones económicas y financieras, como consecuencia de la baja de los precios del barril de petróleo, principal ingreso…
LEER MÁSLa directora de la vicepresidencia Social y Sistema de Misiones, Rosángela Orozco, informó que hasta la fecha hay 1.005 bases de misiones…
LEER MÁSThe President of the Hinterlaces polling company, Oscar Schemel, said on Sunday that a social explosion is ruled out in the Bolivarian…
LEER MÁSThe Vice President for the Social Area, Jorge Arreaza, said on Wednesday that out of every $100 that enter the country, 70…