The First Vice-President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, said on Wednesday that Revolutionaries should be loaded with arguments to defend the achievements of the Bolivarian Revolution, before the attacks of the Venezuelan right wing.
«We must be loaded with arguments because the right wing does not cease in its efforts and its campaign of wanting to convince the people that the Revolution is a disaster, that it is a failure, that the model does not work,» he expressed during his program Con el Mazo Dando (Hitting with the Hammer).
The first Vice-President of the PSUV said that «we must load up with arguments to demonstrate to the people and the world that the Revolution will remain onward.»
He called to highlight the achievements of the Revolution that is being lived today in Venezuela, where education and medicine are free and where there are more than 3 million pensioners and 1,200,000 new housings built. «That does not exist anywhere else in the world, but the right wing will insist.»
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