On Monday, the Minister for Defense, Vladimir Padrino Lopez, held a meeting with the Higher State of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces to refine strategies aimed at strengthening the sixth apex of the Great Mission Sovereign Supply (GMAS), whose premise is the security and defense of the nation.
At the meeting, held in Fort Tiuna, in Caracas, also participated the leaders of the Integral Defense Regions (Redi) and the Integral Defense Zones (Zodi). The Vice-President for Territorial Socialism, Erika Farías; The Minister of People’s Power for Food, Rodolfo Marco Torres; and the president of the National Superintendence for the Defense of Socio-Economic Rights (Sundde), William Contreras, who discussed the progress of this socio-economic protection policy in order to promote the country’s new production scheme and ensure food and pharmaceutical products to the citizenship.
At the end of October, as part of the actions of the State of Exception and the GMAS, the nation’s defense system began a process of control and accompaniment to the agro-industries and the commercial network in order to guarantee the distribution of essential products.
At that time, the Operational Committees of Workers’ Production were also activated, to promote that the labor force guarantee the operation of the processes in the production companies.
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