Saul Ortega, deputy by the Homeland block to the National Assembly, told oppositionists Henrique Capriles and Leopoldo Lopez as those responsible for the continued wave of violence in Venezuela. «This opposition surprises us by telling that they are going to make a massive signing and what I’ve seen of this coalition is that it is kidnapped by violent sectors. We are talking about Capriles and Lopez, responsible for the continued violence in Venezuela, after the «Carmonazo» (Pedro Carmona’s Coup d’ Etat) of 2002 «.
The parliamentarian, during an interview with private TV station Televen, said that there are contradictions in the opposition coalition, on which is imposed the violent group. «I speak specifically about Capriles and Lopez and their parties. They will collect some signatures, and then what are they going to do?. To call for a civil war, for violence?, given that scenario, even less will be a recalling referendum. »
He argued that these characters are imposing a violent politics on the rest of the opposition, «They announced that now it goes indeed the takeover of Venezuela, which means that on September 1 they failed», referring to the takeover of Caracas.
The deputy for the PSUV recalled that «The referendum, of being called, requires the participation of a 25% of the population and to get more votes than the person you are revoking got. It’s not as easy-peasy as they think! What happens is they lie to their followers». He also stressed that the opposition is ignoring the Electoral Power.
In a hypothetical scenario, Ortega assured that the Bolivarian Revolution would win the recall Referendum in 2017, just as it happened in 2004. «We are working on an electoral victory in that alleged -denied- case. They have not even passed the stage of the 20%. «
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