The President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, rejected on Tuesday the meddling in Venezuelan airspace of a DASH-8 type airplane, belonging to the United States Coast Guard (USA), during the making of the 17th Summit of the Non-Aligned Countries Movement (NAM).
The denounce was made on Tuesday by Vladimir Padrino López, Minister of People’s Power for Defense.
«They wanted (to provoke) a scandal, they were going crazy and tried to get that plane in. We need to make a claim to the Governments of the Netherlands, because the plane came from a US military base in Curaçao, and from Curaçao they go to attack Venezuela», said the Head of State during his program «Contacto con Maduro» (Contact with Maduro) made from the Principal Theatre in Caracas.
The President added that the Venezuelan Government will also undertake a series of actions in this case: «We will not accept this, they did this desperate for attention and to overshadow the success of the summit and the arrival of the 137 delegations from all around the world, which was a world record».
Regarding this new interference, the National President explained that plane got almost to the line of the Venezuelan airspace, and right there came out the aviation of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces to activate all the defense mechanisms that the country has «So they were warned, and left. «
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