Let's Fight and Overcome! Maduro calls for solidarity with Dilma and Lula against judicial coup in Brazil

The President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, through his account on the Twitter social network @NicolasMaduro, urged the peoples of the world to raise their voices in solidarity with President Dilma Rousseff and with the former president of that country, Luiz Inácio «Lula» Da Silva, against the media-judiciary coup that is brewing in that South American territory.
Nicolas Maduro
«Let’s raise the Voice of World’s Solidarity with Dilma and Lula against the Media-Judiciary Coup in Brazil …»
14:49 – 17 Mar 2016
Nicolas Maduro
«May the Popular and Democratic Movement of Our Americas rise up to face the Coup in Brazil It’s time to Fight!»
14:49 – 17 Mar 2016
Nicolas Maduro
«Let no one be deceived, this is an Imperial offensive that intends to end with the Progressive and Revolutionary Forces … Let’s fight and Overcome».
14:52 – 17 Mar 2016