The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, said on Sunday that the battle of ideas, that exalts the patriotic consciousness, is a priority given the economic war that is suffering the country.
«The communicational fact is the center of the battle that must be won with all the actions of political government, of masses, that we might do in the middle of this battle against the war of an unconventional character, where they seek to impose on Venezuela a counterrevolutionary and fascist sellout Government», he said during the launching ceremony of the first edition of the magazine of the Local Committees of Supply and Production (CLAP), in Caracas.
In this regard, he stressed the importance of creating new communication tools such as the CLAP magazine, which will have two main lines: the informative and educational ones.
«We have to spend many hours on the communicational work, this magazine has to be the axis of the construction of a large communicational movement from the bottom up. For it to be the people themselves with their creativity that will carry the message of hope to the people», said Maduro.
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