Cabello: US leads a coup against Venezuela and the continent

«The United States leads a continental coup d’etat with the same script, the same actors, the same canard against the country and the continent.»
The statement was made on Tuesday by Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, while participating in a revolutionary march in the city of Caracas, in which he reiterated that the U.S. Department of State, heads a coup d’etat against Venezuela and the continent.
«It’s a continental coup that goes beyond Venezuela, it is about Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, is against the progressive Governments of the Americas», said the leader, while sending a message of unity to the socialist vanguard in order to preserve peace.
The people of Caracas mobilized on Tuesday from the San Martin Avenue to the Plaza Caracas (in downtown of the capital city), to defend peace and reaffirm their support for the Bolivarian Revolution. The mobilization left at nine a.m. o’clock from the Maternity subway station and through the streets of the San Martin Avenue.
These actions are part of the offensive for the social, political and economic peace of the country, against the destabilization plans that promote the opposition’s political parties, with the support of the United States.
«They (the opposition) have said that September 1 will be the end of everything. They are experts in saying «I did not», our victory must be the peace, but if they show us one, we will give them back two, so that it does not happen never again another April 11, 2002″, said Cabello.