President Nicolas Maduro announced that from September 1 will start the 3 integral revolutionary offensive lines, also explaining that the first of these aims to protect the rights of the people, among which he highlighted that of work, as well as the payment of pensions, as the attention through the different missions.
The second line is to support the Great Mission Sovereign Supply (GMAS), to thereby defeat the unconventional economic war.
He further pointed out that the third one is to strengthen the Moral Conscience, through the various political activities that would allow to strengthen the Bolivarian Revolution, «A mobilized people, a victorious people», he said.
«In these days of August we are preparing for the closure of 2016, defending the wages, the work, the missions, building homes (…) Ether we are revolutionaries, or we are nothing, from the first of September will start this whole revolutionary offensive in all fields of economy, of politics, of morals», said the Head of State in the activity broadcast by VTV.
In short, this offensive is based on three lines of action: to protect the people, to strengthen the Great Mission Sovereign Supply (GMAS) and strengthening the popular political consciousness of the Venezuelans and their organization
Thus he assured from Catia la Mar, in Vargas state, where he made a work agenda as part of the broader social policy that keeps the Venezuelan Government.
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