President Nicolás Maduro inaugurated new Farmapatria Bicentenaria in Betijoque

With the noble purpose of providing access to quality medicines and pharmaceutical products at fair prices, this Tuesday, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, inaugurated a new headquarters of the Farmapatria Bicentenaria Pharmacy in Betijoque, Rafael Rangel municipality of Trujillo state.

The implementation of the new Farmapatria Bicentenaria includes the general adaptation of the infrastructure, installation of an electrical plant, general lighting, refrigeration equipment, provision of furniture, sanitary fixtures and more.

The Farmapatria Bicentenaria Betijoque will serve more than 7,000 families from a population of more than 29,000 people.

With this space that promotes the well-being of Venezuelan families. In this way, President Maduro guarantees access to health, a full and quality life and the service of those most in need.