During the celebrations for the 200th anniversary of the death of Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda, held at the National Pantheon in Caracas Thursday, the President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, highlighted the vision of international integration that always had this hero of the Homeland, and stressed that the unity of the oppressed peoples is the only way to overcome the yoke that the empire has always wanted to impose over the world.
«We must think with that internationalist vision of a single Homeland that Miranda had. It is impossible to think of the liberation of peoples each one by its side, each one dedicated to their domestic problems, locked between four walls, we must think on achieving the liberation of our peoples who have been subjected to a domination for 100 years by the American empire», stressed the Head of State.
In this regard, he added, «The US imperialist elites have a view that comprises the entire world, and they try to influence and rule over the whole world, to those who let themselves be governed, because we outed them out from Venezuela, and they will never come back».
Finally, the President said that, would Francisco de Miranda be still with us, he would expel the Homeland-selling merchants out of the National Assembly. «It has no name what they have done, to request for the intervention of their own country».
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