Parlasur deputies reject lies abroad about revoking referendum

Members of the Great Patriotic Pole of Parlasur, conduct an international campaign to report the fraud committed by the Venezuelan opposition in the first phase of the activation of the revoking referendum of the mandate of President Nicolas Maduro Moros.
The Deputy to Parlasur, Angel Rodriguez, reported that the opponents of the revolution, with the help of international press agencies, are lobbying abroad in order to position the false matrix of opinion according to which would have already met the requirements to activate the electoral consultation.
“We have seen some diplomats who have spoken to make this voting as soon as possible, assuming that have already been covered the legal points required for its organization. These opinions have been issued on the basis of misleading information provided by unscrupulous politicians”.
The parliamentarian stressed that these people have been deceived, because they are not familiar with the regulations approved by the National Electoral Council. In a malicious way they have been led to believe that this mechanism is to be applied immediately and automatically, which is false, since there are rules governing the activation of this process, which must be respected.
Rodriguez explained that these standards were designed to protect the rights of all voters, not excluding either side. The opposition intends to impose the criteria according to which the position of their followers is more important than that of the Chavistas, and that therefore must be ignored the formal aspects that govern the convention.
It causes suspicion to Rodriguez the fact that the opposition has recorded such a high percentage of defective or fraudulent forms, at the moment of presenting the necessary signatures to legitimize the MUD as a requestor of the referendum.
He stressed that it is suspicious that they have opted for scamming, when they only needed to deliver about 200,000 signatures, which was a very simple task, as they have the political muscle to collect them without any problem, cleanly. They had no urgency in terms of time. Besides, they counted with a qualified technical advice to review each signature.
“They opted for the trick, to confuse the people, because in the absence of a national project, they are promoting discontent and frustration, to justify a coup d’ etat, or an invasion by the US and the NATO” concluded Angel Rodriguez.