Venezuela activates Absolute Productive Independence Plan in the face of sanctions against Chevron

The Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez Gómez, through her social networks, reported that the head of State, Nicolás Maduro Moros, ordered the activation of the Absolute Productive Independence Plan, this initiative arises as a response to the sanctions imposed against Chevron and aims to ensure that the hydrocarbon industry and the country’s economy continue their recovery in a stable and diversified manner:

The new US government has succumbed to pressure from failed and defeated opposition sectors in Venezuela, by definitively sanctioning this US company. Chevron has been operating oil fields in Venezuela for more than a hundred years, and today thanks to the Venezuelan extremism lobby, it has been removed from its operations in the country. The new US government, intending to harm the Venezuelan people, is inflicting harm on itself by causing an increase in the price of fuel and affecting the legal security of its companies’ investments abroad, calling into question the supposed and deceptive economic freedom,» said the Minister of People’s Power for Hydrocarbons.

«Neither in the past nor now will the same failed and defeated opposition be able to harm our country. A great national awareness and unity will continue to mark the path of economic recovery with social justice,» said Rodríguez.

Finally, the vice president emphasized «Let us say out loud from the heart of our people with the liberator José Gervasio Artigas: Let us not expect anything but from ourselves. Nothing and no one will be able to stop the right to the future and happiness of the Venezuelan people!»