Upon her arrival in Santo Domingo, capital of Dominican Republic, the Venezuelan Chancellor, Delcy Rodríguez accused the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, of promoting a coup d’ etat in Venezuela.
«You are a promotor of the coup d’ Etat, and you act in favor of right-wing sectors that pretend to obtain power by the unconstitutional way», said Rodriguez in the Dominican Republic, where this Monday starts the 46th General Assembly of the OAS.
In that sense, the Chancellor qualified as «fraudulent» the intention to activate the Democratic Charter of the OAS, by Almagro, since there is no rupture of the constitutional order in Venezuela.
The diplomat reminded Almagro that last week the member nations adopted by consensus a statement in favor of the dialogue between the opposition and the Venezuelan Government, in an express recognition of the sovereignty and democracy of the nation.
The forty-sixth General Assembly of the OAS in the Dominican Republic that will be held until June 15, will focus its debate on the sustainable development in the Americas, and the financial position of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
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