President Maduro promoted military personnel from the GHP and DGCIM

The commander in chief of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) and president of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, led the promotion ceremony for the professional military personnel of the Presidential Honor Guard (GHP) and the General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence (DGCIM), from the Teresa Carreño Theater, in the city of Caracas.

The ceremony that included the report and request for permission was led by Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Arteaga, who read the resolution, by which professional military personnel, assigned to the Presidential Honor Guard and the Directorate of Military Counterintelligence, were promoted.

The head of State congratulated the 467 professionals of the Military House and 47 professionals of the DGCIM, highlighting them as “brave patriots, professionals of honor, who today, very deservedly, are promoted to the next higher grade, strengthening their commitment; their morals and a military career that in Venezuela is honor and glory, because it is the Venezuela of Bolivar. I congratulate you and your families!”

You are the heirs of the honor guard of our Liberator, you carry his banner and his strength, morale intact in the 21st century, 200 years later, in addition you are also a new creation of our unforgettable and beloved supreme commander Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías”, he indicated after reiterating his congratulations.

During this event, President Maduro explained that thanks to this military body “Venezuela has peace and democracy, you are the bastion of peace and democracy of the country and of National independence, so you must be aware of the gigantic responsibility, of the gigantic commitment that they have, not only with you as individual, professional, disciplined, conscious beings, but with an entire country, with an entire homeland.”

The Dignitary thanked the protection work carried out by the Presidential Honor Guard: “(…) I know what I’m saying, the enemies of our country, external and internal, have tried to kill me again and again, and God has placed his hand, but he has placed it through you, I owe my life to you and I can tell you that I am deeply grateful and I know that the Homeland owes its life and its peace to you too,” he emphasized.

The national dignitary was accompanied by the First Combatant Woman of the Republic, Cilia Flores, the G/J. Vladimir Padrino López, Sectoral Vice President of Political Sovereignty, Security and Peace, and Minister of People’s Power for Defense; G/J. Domingo Antonio Hernández Lárez, Strategic Operational Commander of the FANB; as well as members of the Higher General Staff.