Venezuela signs intention agreements with companies participating in Fic-Tec

In the framework of the closing of the International Fair of Science and Technology (Fic-tec) Jacinto Convit, held in the Poliedro de Caracas, the Bolivarian Government signed a series of institutional agreements with participating companies, as informed the Minister of People’s Power for University Education , Science and Technology, Hugbel Roa.

“Following instructions from our President Nicolás Maduro, we are going to start a series of agreements that are products, results of this whole meeting. There were more than 100 negotiating boards that were installed where could be known the potentials, what we can do here not only for national production, but also for export. ”

“This fair will become a fair that will go by thematic axis. We will know the strengths and weaknesses of these 15 engines and provide the proper capabilities of the national”, he said.

He highlighted the creation of the national crypto-currency, called “Petro”, announced by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, this Sunday during his Sunday TV program.

“We are already in the phase of a post-rentier Venezuela. This 2017 is the beginning of that flourishing Venezuela and of that productive Venezuela that all Venezuelans will be able to consolidate”, he said.

He thanked the support of Chinese and Cuban companies that were part of this technological meeting, which will consolidate the potential in this area to Venezuela and its allies.