Candidates attend CNE to sign acknowledgment of the JUL-28 results

The National Electoral Council (CNE) summoned all presidential candidates to its headquarters located in the Simón Bolívar Center, in Caracas; for the signing of an agreement in recognition of the results of the electoral elections to be held on July 28. This call is made following a proposal issued by the Head of State and candidate for re-election, Nicolás Maduro.

In response to the call, were present the candidates Nicolás Maduro, Benjamin Rausseo, Antonio Ecarri, José Brito, Claudio Fermín, Enrique Márquez, Luis Martínez, Daniel Ceballos and Javier Bertucci; who signed the document.

The president of the CNE, Elvis Amoroso, declared that the titular body is in the process of fully complying with the electoral procedure, and that it has correctly distributed the electoral materials to all the municipalities of the country. Likewise, he stated that the candidates were “citizens who are attached to legal regulations and respect and love our beloved homeland, Venezuela. Those who are here are citizens who have met all the requirements to be candidates,” he added.

Among the obligations of the agreement are:

. To recognize the Electoral Power as the only legitimate and competent authority for surveillance of the presidential election on July 28, 2024.

– To recognize that the CNE has complied with the electoral guarantees in each of the phases of the process established in the electoral schedule, likewise, validate the results issued in the electoral power in respect of the popular will, and in accordance with the provisions of the agreements planned in Barbados and Caracas.

To compete in a climate of respect, peace, and democratic participation so that during the electoral process the will of the people of Venezuela is not interfered with or disowned with acts of violence and destabilization that threaten the well-being of the country.

– To request the governments of the world to respect the self-determination and sovereignty.

– To affirm the national sovereignty, democratic stability, governability, full respect for human rights, guarantees in electoral processes, recovery in the face of the social and economic situation, the constitutional rule of law, the full development of political rights and democracy.

– To promote a full policy for the recognition of national policy and the absolute repudiation of violence as a political instrument, rejecting any financing or resources from illicit national or international operations.

We, the candidates, reiterate before all Venezuelans, rectors of the CNE, our responsibility with democracy, full subjection to the constitutional order legally established in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the absolute will to recognize the results issued by the electoral power. “, concludes the agreement.

Likewise, candidate Rausseo stated that the agreement “represents a very important step” since it offers an opportunity for Venezuelans to resolve their political differences: “I think it is very necessary for the result of this election to be recognized inside and outside the country,” added the presidential candidate.